Matematiikkalehti Solmun etusivu

Kirjallisuutta unkarilaisesta matematiikan opetuksesta

  1. Mathematics Education in Hungary, report for the ICME-8, 1996.
  2. J.Suranyi, M.Halmos: The Evolution of Modern Mathematics Education in Hungary in F.J. Swetz: Socialist Mathematics Education, Burgundy Press, 1978, pp. 253-300
  3. Proceedings of the sixth ICME, ICMI Secretariat, 1988
  4. Varga, T.: Post-"New Math"since 1963, in Wirszup et al: Development in School Mathematics Around the World I., NCTM, 1987
  5. Howson, G.: National Curricula in Mathematics, The Mathematical Association, Leicester, 1991, Hungary: 115-125.
  6. Nemetz, T.: Mathematics Education in Hungary, in M.S.Arora (ed): Moving into twenty-first century,pp 105-113, Unesco,1992
  7. Centennial issue of the Hungarian Mathematical and Physical Journal for for Secondary Schools (KöMaL), J.Bolyai Math. Society, 1994
  8. P. Andrews: A snapshot of Hungarian teacher training, Mathematics Teaching, 1994
  9. G.Hatch: About Hungarian Mathematics Education, Mathematics Teaching, 1994.
  10. T. Varga: Mathematics education in Hungary today, Educational Studies in Mathematics 19, 1986, 291-298.
  11. R.Peter: Playing with Infinity, Dover, New York, 1976
  12. A. Renyi: Dialogues on Mathematics, Holden Day, San Francisco,1967.
  13. Teacher training and postgraduate studies for math teachers, series of 5 issues, 1992-99, Calibra. Edited by the Bolyai Society and ELTE (in Hungarian)
  14. Teaching of Mathematics, periodical (A MAtematikai Tanitasa, in Hungarian)
  15. 2nd Century of KöMaL, 1994-97 J.Bolyai Math Society, 1999
  16. Hungarian National Curriculum, Ministry of Education of Hungary
  17. A. Ambrus: Main Tendencies in Hungarian Mathematics Education, University of Joensuu, 1996.
  18. A. Ambrus: Introduction in Didactics of Mathematics, Eotvos Kiado Budapest, 1995
  19. Trends in Geometrieunterricht mit einem Schwerpunkt "Problemlösen", Abacus Verlag Salzburg, 1995.
  20. Interaktiver Unterricht im Mathematik, Abacus Verlag Salzburg 1996
  21. VISEGRAD 1991, Tagungsband der 1. Osterreich-Ungarischen Mathematikdidaktik Tagung, Universitat Salzburg
  22. Klein, Sándor: The effects of modern mathematics, Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 1987.
  23. Exercises and problems in mathematics for classes 1-4 of academic secondary schools (Gimes Györgyné), 2nd edition, Budapest, 1992 (lukio).
  24. Hajnal, Imre: Mathematics IV, Budapest, Tankönyvkiadó, 1991 (For the fourth classes of secondary grammar schools), (lukio).
  25. Polya, G: How to Solve It: A New Aspect of Mathematical Method, Second Edition, Princeton University Press, 1988.

Solmun etusivu